Training camp is officially over and we’re headed to our domestic trip in Mississippi. We’ll be staying with Mennonites and serving at an Indian reservation. I’m definitely excited to be sleeping in a bed for the first time in 3ish weeks. YAY NO TENTS!! Once we get back from the reservation we’ll debrief back here in Georgia and then we’ll be headed to Malaysia!
I’ve been so blessed with being put into the role of beauty for ashes. Which is a position held for a few women in my squad, to help set up women’s events all around the world and help teach and pour into all the women we’ll be meeting. So last night we had our first ever event held for all the women in our squad while all the guys were on their ‘man hike’. We had a dinner set up, then a small teaching and worship. It was nice to just have a night of women all coming together and loving on one another, I love seeing the Lord come into that space and make it beautiful.
This week we’ve gone over so many good topics it’s hard to really sit and digest it all. But these past few weeks we’ve had our own taste of spiritual warfare, and so naturally we had a series of sessions dedicated to spiritual warfare and how to understand and combat it. Because really, Jesus is so much greater than anything else we may face and I literally have him on my side so I have no reason to be afraid. But spiritual warfare is so real and I’ve seen it first hand, and so they helped prepare us for what we may face and how we can help combat it. If you’d like me to dig deeper into that at any point you should totally reach out and I’d love to share!
Finally, I have reached 49% of my funding for this trip praise jesus! However, I do still have 51% needed to be funded so if the lord puts it on your heart to help fund me any further I would so greatly appreciate you. Thank you all again so much for all your support!
Sending up prayers from Sanger for you Olivia!! May God make all grace abound to you, so that in all things, at all times, having all that you need, you will abound in every good work. 2 Corinthians 9:8
Sounds amazing! So proud of you honey!!