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Y’all I’m going to be so honest, there’s been so much happening in my brain I’ve been too mentally exhausted to even write it out on paper or in my blog.  I feel like the Lord has just been bringing so much to the surface of things I want to work on in my life and just things he wants to show me.

Domestic Missions:

We just got back from our first domestic mission trip in Macon Mississippi and let’s just say my squad didn’t get it right on the first try.  We split up into two separate groups and left to go help churches with whatever they may need.  This involved painting, and replacing sheetrock for my team.  We had a large group working in the trailer that needed sheetrock replacement and let’s just say it kind of went south fast.  It felt as though as soon as we walked into that church everyone forgot why we were doing the ministry and nobody knew how to work together as a team.  This meant extensive talks and prayers about squad unity throughout the rest of the week.  By the end of the week most conflict had been resolved and we had relearned how to work as a team.  I think with that ministry we all had to be reminded that we’re literally doing that work for jesus so there’s no room to treat anyone poorly and we needed to really communicate how we were going to work effectively.

Throughout the week we had so much fun at the Native American reservation hanging out with all of the kids.  We made a lot of special connections with the people there and specifically with a woman named Rachel.  She was in charge of booking for the house we stayed at and she was the absolute sweetest.  She would come almost every night just to hang out and bake cookies with us.  But aside from just being the absolute sweetest person ever, she had a crazy faith in Jesus that was so beautiful.  It was inspiring to see someone live the way she did.

We’ve been in debrief now all week and it’s been a time to reflect and also just sit in expectation for Malaysia.  We leave tomorrow bright and early and it’s going to be so so good, I’m beyond excited.  Our ministry host is amazing and has offered to teach us how to play different instruments.  Our ministry will involve teaching English to Muslim kids and also helping at a children’s center to hindu kids, we’ll also be helping just in their communities, and leading church in multiple households.

What to pray for:

  • Safe and smooth travels
  • The people of Malaysia to be open hearted and receiving of the gospel
  • Our ministry host and his community
  • My squad’s unity
  • Discernment for me
  • Jesus to provide funding

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