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You Anoint my head with oil; my cup overflows

When you fill a cup and it starts to get full and then someone bumps the cup, you can see what spills out.  In the same way when you are filling your mind with things and then you’re “bumped”, maybe by a conflict or something hard happening in your life, you’re able to see your reaction and response.  Then you can see: is this response one that is patient and leaning on the help of the Lord, or do you try and take control and fix the situation in your own strength?  This week I was tested with a conflict and honestly, I can see a difference in my response now than how I may have responded even a few short months ago.   Someone questioned my identity, and I know that a few months ago I would have spiraled over what was said, but this week I spoke God’s truth over myself and honestly, I wasn’t very shaken by what happened.  So even though I should’ve been more upset all I could think was “Oh my goodness Jesus is so amazing because I can see him healing that area in my life”.  It was so cool to see that areas in my life I pray over being healed are actually seeing growth and healing.


Small adventure update!!  Me and some people on my squad went to Penang this weekend for our adventure day and WOW!  The Ocean was gorgeous…Salty-but gorgeous.  We went to the beach, Penang hill, and visited a small church.  The weekend was filled with coconuts, monkeys, JELLYFISH STINGS, and lots of giggles.  (Also we got to sleep in beds so that was super yay) 

Ministry update

WE KNOW OUR THIRD COUNTRY FINALLY!!! Okay first off… We figure out which city we’ll be in, in Thailand. Drumroll please… BANGKOK! I’m so so excited, me and my team of 9 people will be teaching English in the big city.  After Thailand however, we are headed to ALBANIA!  We still don’t know what ministry we’ll be doing or what city we’ll be in, but we won’t know till probably 2 weeks before we go.  We leave Malaysia in 12 days so time is definitely flying by.  I’m going to miss my student and all of the kids I’ve been getting to know and love these past few weeks.  I just pray somehow some way they find Jesus in the little we were able to share with them.

OH how could I forget… My squad will be performing in a music video and will have all day Saturday and Sunday to shoot the video.  This involves dancing (which we have been practicing and learning for weeks), costumes, and of course singing.  It’s going to be totally amazing and when it comes out on youtube you all will have to go watch it.  Until then you get to sit in anticipation.

I think a big thing I’ve learned since being here is that ministry can be found in so many different things.  We have ministry in dance videos, teaching kids who don’t speak english, evangelizing to people in Grab cars, and staying up until 2 am for church on friday nights.  Whatever it might be, all things are done to the glory of God (even scrubbing a toilet so your squad has a clean bathroom).  This has really shifted my perspective on how to be a good representation of Jesus.

Prayer Requests

  • -Strength to finish out our ministry well
  • -Protection against sickness
  • -For God to continue speaking to me and the people on my squad.  But also pray we have the ears to listen
  • -Pray I find more quiet moments to spend processing and spending time with Jesus.  It can be hard to spend time alone when you’re stuck in a house with 33 other people.

3 responses to “My Cup Overflows”

  1. Olivia, so excited to hear about all the things you’re learning and getting to experience! I’m praying for you today as you continue your journey! Hugs from Sanger, TX. Elizabeth Muir

    • Wow. So much learning! About the Lord’s provision: strength through Him, service for Him and joy in Him! I’m so excited for you and for those who are hearing the gospel! Continued prayers.

  2. So much that happened in your short time in Malaysia. I like how you say you’ve been finding out that ministry can just about be anything because God uses everything! Amen. You know what they say? Ministry is life and life is ministry! Thanks for serving!