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This week we had a day of street evangelism, baptisms, and a free day to go into town.  The day of street evangelism I had no idea what to expect until I was there.  I was honestly nervous to go out and talk to strangers about Jesus.  I know for me, I get uncomfortable even as a Christian when people approach me trying to talk about it.  I was scared for awkward pauses or not knowing the words to speak to people.  However, it ended up being an amazing day to go out and meet new people.  We took our vans out to Kroger and got to leave camp for a few hours.  we broke up into teams and just walked around shopping and praying and interceding the Lord would place someone on our hearts.  My small group bought flowers and passed them out to people, which allowed us to engage in some conversation.  Some people were more interested in talking than others, and that’s so understandable.  We were able to pray for so many people it was so sweet.  There were people laughing and crying but it allowed people to share their stories and feel heard and seen, it was just so cool to see Jesus work in a simple place like Kroger.

The next day we had a free day and we were able to go out on our own and buy things we may need.  We went into the town square and once again even when we weren’t specifically there to evangelize the Lord sent people to us.  We met two homeless men who drew almost our whole group as a crowd to just have us sit and listen to their life stories.  We got to pray for them and just love on them for about an hour.  The boys in our group ran almost 2 miles to go grab one of the men his requests for hot soup and cornbread. Me and a friend sat on the bench watching everyone else sharing with people and praying and I honestly just said a small prayer in my head “God if you want me to talk to someone and pray for them you’d have to send them to me” and sure enough minutes later a man walked up and started sharing his situation with us and asking us for prayer.  Which never in my life have I had someone come up to me and do that so I just knew it was an answer to my small prayer.

There’s been so much happening I couldn’t share every small testimony as much as I’d want to.  I can’t wait to see what the Lord has to show me next week.  Lastly, I ask for prayer over my squad that we can live in unity and I ask for strength for myself to do the things God may ask of me.  <3

5 responses to “My start to Evangelism”

  1. Praying Joshua 1:9 over you and your squad, Olivia. “Be strong and courageous, do not be afraid or discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go.”

  2. This is so awesome Olivia!!! I love it!! I don’t remember where I read this but it said “courage isn’t the absence of fear but still doing something despite the fear”.
    Ok whoever said it probably said it a lot better than I just did but it’s what I thought about reading this. I’m so so proud of you.

    Ps: You are glowing!!