My Small Testimony From This Week
If you’re ever afraid to talk to someone about Jesus, just remember that first, you’re giving them an opportunity that can literally save them, and second most people at the very least appreciate prayer. I’ve only had one person reject prayer and I think that’s just because she didn’t understand English lol. So like walk in boldness knowing you have the holy spirit living inside of you. God works through our mistakes.
We eat at a Chinese food court every Friday here in Malaysia. Last week a few people on my squad had a man walk up and teach my squad mate how to use her chopsticks which was a simple opportunity but the girls on my squad took it, and it led to such amazing things. They started talking to him and were able to invite him to our church service we have every Friday night and last night he came! So I was able to talk with him and he said no one had ever shared Jesus with him before and never in his life had he been in a church. He said he loved it and that “God knew he needed to meet us and it was Jesus that sent him to us.” It was so cool to see that this man had never heard about Jesus before and the moment he did hear he was so willing to just come with an open heart and mind and now he’s coming back next week too! So even simple conversations you can have with people about their lives and what they might need opens so many doors to simply love on that person and show them a little bit of Jesus.
How Ministry Is Going
Guys, I’m actually so obsessed with teaching my student. Am I the best teacher in the world or the most qualified to do the job? Most definitely not. But I know my ABC’s and I know how to add and subtract so hopefully that’s enough. This last week it was so so sweet to see my student master his shapes and he literally was so proud it melted my heart. Aside from English I’ve been teaching him math. Math is already hard enough on its own let alone trying to describe it to someone who doesn’t speak your language. We count with fingers and toes here but that’s okay because at least he’s learning.
Other Ministry:
This week we also last minute had to prepare a skit for a festival we were invited to help perform at. We showed up to the Indian light festival, Diwali, and performed our last-minute production of the birth of Jesus and tried to depict how Jesus is the light of the world. It was actually one of the craziest and funnest little festival/banquet things I’ve been to.
Continue to keep us in your prayers, love you guys!!
I laughed out loud with tears streaming down my cheeks reading the experience with the man in the food court! Be bold!
To hear your experiences, it’s amazing. It’d be an amazing experience to see other cultures in their communities. I’m glad you are enjoying your time.
May the LORD continue to fill your heart with overflowing love Jesus so you can keep sharing it!
Olivia dear, I loved your “small testimony”, how y’all shared Jesus with the man. But Jesus is no “small testimony”.!!!! He fed the 4,000 and 5,000. He walked on the water. Changed the water to wine. Healed sick people. Cast out demons.. Calmed the storm. Raised up Lazarus. He died on the old rugged cross, which means we can be cleansed / made free by the Blood of the Lamb, which also gives us power to face the day. Keep a going, Olivia!!!! Keep on telling these people the Name of our Powerful Jesus, and that it is so!! simple to come to Jesus: Matthew 11:28, says, Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. 💜 Heaven awaits those that come. And painfully Hell is the other option for those that don’t come. Our goal is Heaven!!! The only option. Love you, Olivia. I miss you all!!! I think of you all often!!! Sending you all hugs 💜💜💜
Oh Rachel,
You’re so so right Jesus is so great and any small testimony is a big one. I love and miss you so much!