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I was headed for college. Applied, accepted, and had a deposit put down for Eastern University located in Pennsylvania. Very quickly I realized it just never felt right, I was filled with so much anxiety about all of my decisions and was never at peace. I was talking with a friend and she mentioned taking a gap year and at first I quickly shut down the thought of it. But then she asked me what I really wanted to do and what fills me with peace and excitement and I said I wanted to go on a mission trip. So shortly after, I went home and started googling gap year mission trips and that’s when the World Race website popped up. I started looking through every inch of the website and got excited and just the thought of it. I soon applied to their route 3 and had my first commitment call. She explained what to sort of expect and what they aim to do and I instantly knew that’s what I wanted to do too. I committed and since then I’ve been preparing to leave and head to training camp starting August 31.
I can’t wait to travel and be submerged into each and every culture. I still can’t believe I stumbled upon such an amazing special opportunity and I simply can’t pass it up. I’ve experienced so much of God’s love for myself and it’d be crazy not to share that with others.

 I’m so ready and excited for August 31st!  I ask you to continue to keep me in your prayers throughout this next year.

Some bible verses that really inspired me throughout this whole process is Hebrews 12:1 and Isaiah 6:8-13

6 responses to “Why I decided on the World Race”

  1. I’m so happy for you! Hoping your adventures are filled with laughter and excitement!